Monday, 29 March 2010

Why Libanski?

I just moved to warsaw with my girlfriend Dominika. This blog for me is an alternative from facebook, since i am asking my friends in Beirut to be reading the blog instead of poking, tagging, and inviting. Anyhow i hope for those of you who would like to follow some observations of a Beiruti( A person from Beirut) in warsaw, will find the posts informational.
As for the name Libanski, well it originated in Beirut by a friend who goes by the name Nanou. She calls me Libanski and my girlfriend Polska.
Soon i hope i will start with a photo and an observation. I am not sure that this blog will be a daily thing, since i am know for being lazy, but who knows maybe it would be better to let it happen when observations are worth being shared.

1 comment:

  1. Roudyyyyyyyy i will catch u wherever u go, la2anno ma 7ada bi 7ebneh :(
    miss u wla
    hope u r doing good
    this blog is cool, alternative to facebook...
