Friday, 25 June 2010

Global trap!

About 6 or 7 years ago I got myself into reading a book about the dangers of globalization. It's the kind of books everyone with green conscious, and a big heart must read. There is no fiction story in the book, only a lot of points about why it is bad to be living in a global economy, and how things really work now. It turns out that we don't own much of the choices in our own lives anymore. Also if wealthy men in suits "FART" let's say somewhere in China, their wind will globally cross its way to Alaska, and somehow affecting things there ( this is not in the book). I could not finish reading, nevertheless I was depressed all the same, and ever since I became very confused whether I fully hated globalization, or just a bit. Today I must admit to like it with the same confusion, or even worst I feel trapped. Think of the fresh daily flowers delivered from Amsterdam to London in few hours. Think of traveling inside of schengen european states without borders. Think of something you like from back home and if it wasn't for globalization you won't have it somewhere else in the world ( I am not defending globalization, but why denying some of the good commodities, even for a pessimistic guy like me), long ago trade consisted of basic stuff, now you can buy the same brand all over the world. So what's the point of all of this? The story is that a few months ago I found myself staring at a container of Lebanese made "Tahini"( a very heavy sesame oily paste) on the shelf of Bomi ( A supermarket here in Warsaw). I was impressed to see that a seemingly insignificant product in the daily life of the Lebanese people back home, a Tahini container still manages to sit here "overpriced", and looking awkwardly funny among the coconut milk cans,teriyaki sauce, and other products in the exotic food section. . Now, 3 months ago, I did not buy it. However, as the home sickness increased, and the taste of a good plate of "hummus" lingered on the back of my tongue, I decided to get one today. So now I am thinking that this absolutely necessary ingredient in the making of hummus is available here in Poland, I am off to the next level. I am making my own Hummus. Wow, I wonder what else globalization can permit me to have. Now, I am still confused about the bad things globalization is causing like wars, poverty, starvation and etc, but damn it I got " THE HUMMUS" the most controversial plate on the menu lately between Israel and Lebanon, also I think Hizbullah's weapons is on that same menu, but they seem to have been placed in the desert section. ( The original creators of hummus are yet to be finalized between the two countries, there was even a competition to win the guinness book of world records for the biggest Hummus plate. Honestly, I am not sure how such a stupid controversy can even exist). So I finally understood that trade nowadays is not only with goods, but with cultures. I found the solution for the confusion. If will eat my hummus, and I will not feel guilty.

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