Tuesday, 13 April 2010

No baking soda no baking good!

So welcome back readers(in case anyone is there), I hope that the absence of a few posts from the Libanski blog were not the only cravings you had in the past couple of days. Well talking about the cravings, I am very decided on becoming a good pastries maker; which means by valentine next year i hope to be inventing my own new kind of red saucy cup cake with hearts on it(you know in case that works). I know you are wondering where does that relate to observations on the Warsaw life). Well it doesn't except that since I got so much free time making meals seems like the logical stuff to do. Anyway I am a big believer in home cooked meals unless you really have no time to cook, then fast food is just fine(kebab may be as well, since you can't help it in warsaw but KEBAB places are everywhere and open 24h. I am not sure if you can call that food exotic anymore). So after I think i passed on being an okay cook, it is time to hit the desert scene. My first banana bread was terrible, I had no baking soda, so I figured come on many times you are cooking and you have something missing and things turn out just fine. Only when you are baking a cake, bread, muffin,pies and whatever it is, you need goddamn baking soda. So the bread came out looking like a bread but no fluff inside. The photo with the light color bread is that first experiment. Today I went crazy and made a banana bread, but melted a whole bunch of dark chocolate in it(and sure enough baking soda), and well it swelled and it does taste and feel more like a cake than a bread, still it is much better than the first time(the dark one in the photo). So hey I will let you know what the result will be by the time that lover day thing is around the corner. But you know what they say" JUST BUY IT AT THE BAKERY KID".


  1. well, you might think that you are alone, but you are not.
    by the way i have just bought a cake from the bakery, what a coincidence :)

  2. I am here too :) miss u Rodox...

  3. I love banana cake, muffins (and bread for that matter).
