Thursday, 8 April 2010

Swords, ball games, testosterone, and Lebanese leaders.

I come from a place where if you are not politically affiliated, then you are most likely marginalized or even worst yet;" ignored, ridiculed and told off".(which is fine by me). Lebanese believe in their leaders' honest lies (and they admit that they know it's bull crap, but hey no one knows better than a leader: he's the LEADER god dammit). Here in Poland leaders don't seem to matter to anyone (not a single photo I've seen on telephone booths, street lamp poles and etc... Not even the president. What exist must be something else I am not sure what it is yet. However I could not help, when taking the photo, thinking that whatever it is that nations follow, or worship, and mainly I am concerned with men, it must be related to the amount of testosterone men are able to produce as instant gratification from whatever it is they worship ( man, machine, or else). I mean when I think of a football game (what is that), isn't about defeating the enemy, just like apparently the two men in the statue are out doing. To me they seem to be out defending Warsaw from intruders, with the sword and the arrow pointing both to the front, in a very distinct (deja vue brave heart) kind of way. If you ever been to Lebanon and happened to get engaged in some political rally, or watched the news, and wondered why the hell do our politician seem angry all the time for? The answer is testosterone. In a country(Lebanon) where sport is not professional, and most certainly absent from our culture, where statues of warriors have been replaced by modern political figures, the only game worth watching is the never ending political production. Poland so far is a great place to live for many reasons. To name one that is relevant to the topic, well I am glad not to be reading stupid signs hanging from one side of the street to the other with stuff written on them that is supposed to fuel instantly your testosterone; Not me misters, I'll be saving mine for a better cause. Vive la testosterone.


  1. I guess you saw the presidents photo by now.
    and did you watch the lebanese politicians football match last week?
